Once you reach your Spaceship, a Radiant Pillar BC1, you’ll find that it’s in one piece, but can’t take off just yet. Moving towards your ship, remember that you can press and hold X for short boosts from your thrusters to clear hills faster at the cost of expelling oxygen, and you can click in on the right stick to sprint for short periods, but this will deplete oxygen faster. H denotes a deposit of Hydrogen, usually Di-Hydrogen Crystals that you’ll need later. O2 are sources of oxygen-rich plants that can be used to replenish oxygen, which always slowly falls when exploring planets. Na are sources of Sodium-rich plants you can harvest to replenish your Environmental Shielding. As you make your way to the ship, be sure to note the icons that appear from the scanner pulses. You can manually pulse your Scanner every 30 seconds or so by clicking in on the left stick, but a new beacon will show the position of your spaceship regardless. For now, highlight the Scanner icon and hit the Repair button, which will show you a view of the weapon allowing you to select and make the necessary repair to bring your scanner back online.

It’s sparse now, but you can get more extensions later. Go to your inventory and select the Mulit-tool tab. Once you have harvested 75 Ferrite Dust from the surrounding rocks, it’s time to repair your first item. You can also fight back and destroy them to get some rarer resources, but reinforcements will be called quickly, and it this early stage it’s best to avoid unnecessary entanglements. It’s possible to give them the slip by running away - they are pretty slow to follow and get lost easily. If not, they’ll become aggressive and start firing shots at you. If you start getting scanned by them, it’s best to stop what you are doing and wait until they move on before continuing. They are fairly passive on planets like these, but they may become alert if they spot you mining resources a lot. Warning: You’ll likely spot hovering robots while exploring - these are Sentinels, better known as planet protectors. If for some reason you completely deplete your laser before finding any Carbon, you can always melee strike objects for a slower rate of extraction by pressing R1 on your PS4. Any plant-like things on the planet can be mined for Carbon, which you can use to fuel your laser. Note that like all other things, your mining laser requires fuel to maintain.

Halo spartan strike select input stuck full#
Any small rock-like substance you find on the planet is full of Ferrite Dust, and you only need to hit it with your mining laser to make sure. The scanner needs Ferrite Dust to work again, and lucky for you, it’s everywhere. With your environmental shields falling constantly, you’ll want to get started on this as soon as possible.

The scanner allows you to ping nearby deposits of materials so you can figure out where to go next, and it also lets you know where your ship is at. Multi-tool Repair: Scanner - In order to find your crashed ship, you’ll have to repair your multi-tool’s scanner. Restoring hazard protection will boost your main shield back up again, and you can also take shelter in caves to regenerate your shielding. You’ll slowly take hits to your shield every so often, and only once your shield has been taken out, you’ll finally start taking real damage. Simply running out of environmental shielding won’t kill you instantly. Be sure to take in your surroundings for any yellow plants that carry Sodium, and harvest them to fuel your shielding. You can charge this equipment with certain catalytic elements, which can be defined by their yellow hue.

This shielding will deplete constantly on the surface of a planet that is hazardous, and even faster when trapped in a storm. Hazard Protection: Your suit will always strive to fend off hazardous environments as long as it has enough shielding.