Our Pack holds 2 cutting days for those without tools, usually at the end of January and then 2nd two weeks later.

If this is your first time and want to be fun not fast, Sure be fun! How much time should the boys be given to make their cars. You are allowed to have fun, but I would not recommend having fun if you wan a fast car.

Wikibooks list of common Pinewood Derby rule variations. Remember, every pack, district and council sets its own rules for their Pinewood Derby race, so make sure you check with your local leaders to get the official rules for your race. The following rules are included in every Pinewood Derby kit. Race rules are a good idea because they simplify inspections, eliminate as much confusion as possible, provide guidance and create a fair race for everyone.
No lubricant may be applied once the car has been inspected and registered.There are no national Pinewood Derby rules, so packs are free to set their own. You may not use hubcaps, washers, inserts, sleeves, bearings or coatings. Wheels may be lightly sanded to remove the molding seam on the tread and the hub may be trued. However, the use of the pre-cut slots is not required. If desired, these slots may be pre-drilled before they are used. The official kit block has pre-cut slots which are correctly spaced. For safety reasons, use of mercury is prohibited. Weights shall be passive non-moveable, non-magnetic, non-electric, non-sticky, etc. This restriction is due to the finish line height. Cars in this competition must have been made for this race season. Details such as steering wheel, driver, decals, painting, and interior details are permitted and must be firmly attached.Ĭars generating loose debris on the track may be subject to disqualification.

The entire car must sit behind the starting line pin on the track. The axle nails shall be firmly affixed to the wood block. The wheels shall be mounted on the Grand Prix axle nails. The use of prefabricated wheels, axles, and car bodies is prohibited. Good luck and have fun!! World champions of pinewood derby racing Please read and heed the information and the rules! If the same car jumps the track a second time in the same heatit will automatically lose the heat.The purpose of this document is to provide a reasonable and level playing field for all contestants. If a car jumps off the track, the track will be checked and the heat will be run again. The wheelbase distance between front and rear axle may NOT be changed. All four 4 car wheels must make flat contact with the track no? The car must be freewheeling with no starting device or other propulsion. The car shall not ride on any type of springs or other suspension. Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited. Beveling, tapering, thin sanding, wafering, lathe turning or other modifications to the wheels are prohibited. Only the official Scout Grand Prix wheels and axles shall be used. No further lubrication will be permitted. Regular oils and some sprays may soften the plastic wheels.Ĭars may be lubricated before inspection. Only dry powder lubricants, such as graphite or silicone sprays may be used. Cars with wet paint will not be accepted. Details, such as steering wheels, driver, spoiler, decals, painting, and interior details are permitted as long as these details do not exceed the length, width, and weight specifications. Mercury or other non-solid material shall not be added to the car.

No loose materials of any kind are permitted in or on the car. The car may be hollowed out and built up to the maximum weight by the addition of wood or metal only, provided it is securely built into the body or firmly affixed to it. The readings of the official race scale shall be final. The block of wood must be from the official BSA kit. Cars shall have a relatively blunt front-end to lean squarely against the starting device. Pinewood Derby Axle Polishing Kit.Maximum length shall not exceed 7?. Axle Guard Keepers - hold axles in place.